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ABC taps Ramos to talk about SB1070

The Univision/ABC partnership is starting to bear fruit.  During yesterday’s ABC News, Dianne Sawyer had a conversation with anchor Jorge Ramos about the Supreme Court’s ruling on SB1070, Arizona’s controversial anti-immigration law.  The exchange lasted about two minutes.

Sawyer’s intro and first question was a big plug to Univision.  It was interesting to note she stressed both networks had a “shared audience.”

After saying ABC had been following “the furious debate on the internet” to the ruling, she says:

“One perspective tonight… from Univision.  Our new partners and friends and the number one Hispanic network in America. I talked the co-anchor of Univision evening news,  Jorge Ramos.  Jorge, what does this mean for our shared audience tonight?”

Jorge’s response was on point, but showed a great deal of personal opinion on the issue:

“I think this is very disappointing and very dangerous. This is a very sad day for the Hispanic community when the  Supreme Court allows a state like Arizona to use racial profiling as a rule — we know that we really need immigration reform right now….

It’s difficult to believe that the immigration law in Arizona could be an example for other states in the country and it’s even more difficult to believe that Sheriff Joe Arapaio could become a role model for other law enforcement agencies. It is completely unreal.”

ABC took the opportunity to show they’re now “connected” to the Hispanic audience via their Univision partnership.  It’ll be interesting to see if they include more Univision talent participation in their news properties in the coming months as talk of the importance of the Latino vote in the next elections continues to grow.

You can see the entire interview here:


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