Telemundo Media has partnered with Fandango to go after Hispanic moviegoers. Today, they debut Fandango Cine, a Spanish-language web and mobile movie site that offers movie-related content specifically geared toward Hispanic movie fans. The site will also provide movie show times, and of course, sell movie tickets for films showing in over 20,000 screens across the country.

Fandango Cine will be integrated into the Telemundo, mun2 Fandango websites and offer features, interviews, movie guides and original shows created especially for Fandango Cine, which will debut in March. These will include:
- “Fandango Cine: En Taquillas”: a Monday box office recap of the week’s English and Spanish language films
- “Fandango Cine: En Cartelera”: a preview of the weekend’s upcoming movies
- “Pop Cine”: the latest news of the movie industry
- “Cine Buzz”: an insider look at breaking news on Latinos in the movie industry
These segments will run across Telemundo Media platforms including digital, mobile and television.
Fandango Cine’s launch partners are Universal Pictures’ “Fast & Furious 6” and Sprint.
Almost 40 million Hispanic moviegoers purchased 286 million movie tickets in North America in 2011, according to the Motion Picture Association of America. Data shows Hispanics have the highest movie-going per capita rate, averaging five trips to the movies a year, as opposed to an average of four trips for other ethnic groups.
A 2012 Nielsen study indicates Hispanic consumers dominate over all ethnic groups in online and media usage on smartphones, online video, social networking and other types of entertainment and are 68% more likely to watch video on the Internet and 20% more likely to watch video on their mobile phone than non-Hispanic White viewers.