Discovery en Español has started production on “Norte a Sur: Una Ruta, 5 Experiencias,” a reality show that will follow 5 young American Latinos traveling from Alaska to Argentina along the Pan-American highway. The series seeks to highlight a journey of self-discovery as the adventurers engage in projects and “real work” in each community they stop at along their 10 city route through North and South America.
The young travelers, all in their early 20’s are Antonio Estrada, from Mexico/San Diego; Noelis Márquez, from Puerto Rico/New York; Pierre Martínez, from Puerto Rico/Orlando; Diana Rojas, from Colombia/California; and Zachary Popovsky, from Los Angeles.
The 10 episodes of the 30-minute show will air in the fall. In the meantime, the travelers will be sharing their experiences online on an interactive community website.