For months it has been rumored that Rafael Pineda, one of the longest-running anchors in the U.S., would retire.
Now, inside sources confirm that Jorge Viera has been hired to replace him as main anchor of WXTV-41, the Univision O&O in New York.
Jorge, who is currently freelancing as a Univision network correspondent, has signed a multi-year deal to become WXTV’s main anchor. A source says he is scheduled to start on the air in September. He has been taping promos at the station this week.
Jorge will replace a New York legend. Rafael Pineda has been lead anchor at the station since 1972.
Update: Univision sent out an official release several hours after this story was published indicating Jorge joins the team as a reporter and co-anchor for the 11 pm newscast, alongside Adriana Vargas.
He starts reporting on September 2 and anchoring on September 16, 2013. Rafael will continue to co-anchor the 6 p.m. newscast and work on special assignments.
Congrats to Jorge!
I had the privilege to have worked with him a few years back in Los Angeles. Being an experienced broadcast television director I saw him grow as a reporter and could tell back then he was anchor material.
He was that courageous reporter during the North Hollywood Bank of America shooting, where a bullet passed within inches of his head,yet he kept his cool,composure and continued reporting live.
He trotted thru Latin American and Russia reporting and paying his dues. Now he’s definitely earned his way to where he’s at.
Good for you Jorge, you’ll be great!
Interesting. There are several reporters in New York City who have been working for both Univision and Telemundo – for well over a decade – that are widely known by the Hispanic community and which have established a reputation for being solid journos. It is thus strange, to see a newcomer take the most coveted anchor seat in the city.
It is strange that all the anchors-in-waiting in the tri-state-area are being given a snub in favor of a newcomer to the region.
While I don’t know Viera or the reputation that precedes him, one thing is certain, Rafael Pineda, is a NYC and Spanish-language television institution and cannot easily be “replaced”.
The end of an era for certain!
En español. Resumo com presentadora de Noticias, esta es una muy buena decision de la que jamas se arrepentiran. Jorge Viera tiene las herramientas necesarias para lograr ganarse a una audiencia hispana, inteligente sin dudas que por decadas ha seguido al profesional que el hoy reemplaza. Viera…. Felicitaciones.
During many years of working with Jorge Viera he is a talented breaking news reporter, but I have my doubts on how he will be able to fit the shoes of a living star legend, Mr. Rafael Pineda, I believe Univision O&O in New York, are making a HUGE mistake, hiring a man with his shaddy past and barely educated or even worse he does not knows how to read or write.
Esto tiene que ser unas de las noticias mas insolitas en la historia de la telivision hispana! Sustituir a un magnate de la telvision newyorquina con un don nadie, ya lo he “escuchado todo”. Por favor no entiendo la directrices de la rama empresarial de Univision, pero deberian hacer escrutinios de sus talentos antes de tomar decisiones de esta magnitud. Solo enterarce de a quien contratan en esta pocision debe ser un tema basico de donde vienen quien es su familia, su record; para sustituir al Sr.Pineda que ni un boleto de estacionamiento le pueden encontrar, y su familia son gente de altura y distincion para esta sociedad, no este individuo por favor… que descaro!
Sounds “corporate mandate” to me. I understand he is originally from PR. Last time I checked, “boricuas” in general do not go to Espanol TV outlets. Let wish him and his new station, the best.