In recent years, Telemundo has been pushing for growth, investing in new programming and adding staff. But yesterday, the network reversed course and executed what some insiders are calling a “massive layoff” across several of the company’s divisions.
Sources indicate the cuts range anywhere from 60 to over 100. A company spokesperson who confirmed the layoffs would not say how many, but stressed the number circulating is exaggerated.
Angie Sandoval, a network news correspondent and 27-year Telemundo veteran, “Al Rojo Vivo” executive producer Pilar Garibotto and Eduardo Suñol, VP of Telemundo News Digital, are among those who lost their jobs in the news division.
The spokesperson confirmed they are no longer with Telemundo and issued the following statement:
“Over the past few years, Telemundo has redefined what it means to be a Hispanic media company in the 21st century. We are committed to continuing to invest in areas that drive growth and innovation. As we adapt to the rapidly evolving media industry, we are adding new positions in parts of the company, certain teams will be reassigned under new reporting structures, and some positions are being impacted. We are making these changes to ensure the long term success of our business in this new and evolving media space.”
The cuts come just as the company begins its transition to the brand new $250 million Telemundo headquarters, which will house all of the network’s operations and production studios. The first wave of staffers started to move this past Monday, February 5.
Come on Big T, we all know you can do better.
Please, just please, dont try to emulate that disaster across town in 87th Ave.
Bosses, think about it.
What a shame Telemundo!!!
Angie is such a talented and professional lady.
I will surely miss her in Telemundo National news.
Nada para poner a una persona más joven como siempre…
por favor si alguien puede dar mas detalles de los recortes, para saber quienes fueron victima de la cuchilla errante
Ojalá cierren o quiebre algún día ese CANAL FALSO FAKE NEWS.
Por partes.
Somos muchos los que damos el maximo aca dia a dia para informar y nada mas, por la profesion y para el bienestar de nuestras familias.
Agendas tienen muchos, pero no la mayoria aqui, esto ni es CNN ni MSNBC.
Leo ira en tus palabras: te despidieron aqui o nunca fuiste contratado, contratada?
Ojala cancelen “Al Amarillo Vivo”…que desperdicio!